In this article the CWM of Melodi ya Tshwane (MYT) share their vision and programme with us. We would really like to invite all the special ministries (CWM, CMM, CYM and CWL) to do the same. We would really like to hear from you!
2016: CWM and the theme of MYT:
“Rooted in Belhar: CWM Melodi ya Tshwane (MYT) is a ministry of God-fearing women, whose sole purpose is to serve God and His people. As a special ministry we align our activities with the theme of the MYT congregation and the Constitution of the CWM. In 2016 all our prayer meetings and Bible Studies were based on encouraging our members to be rooted in Belhar.
We hold our weekly prayer meeting every Sunday after the Sunday church service from 12:10pm at Cnr Bosman and Madiba Street. Our meetings are held on Sundays instead of Thursdays because most of our members are employed fulltime and cannot attend during the week.
We are one of the fortunate URCSA congregations to be blessed with three ministers (Dr TJ Nthakhe, Prof JNJ Kritzinger and Rev P Maruping) together with their spouses (Bo-Mma Moruti – Ms T Nthake, Prof A Kritzinger, Ms D Maruping as well as Dr M Mathebula).
The CWM is well represented in the Church Council by 7 members. Some of our members are preachers, liturgists, interpreters, ward leaders, choir members and a Sunday school principal. We are also responsible for funding Holy Communion (bread and juice) and this has been on-going since 2015.
2016: Robing and Induction Ceremony
In honor of Women’s Month, CWM MYT held its local conference on Saturday 27 August 2016. On Sunday 26 August 2016 we held the robing ceremony of four new members. On 6 November 2016 it was the induction and robing ceremony of Mma Moruti Tshidi Nthakhe together with two new members. The sermon of the day was delivered by Mma Moruti Molawa from URCSA Tshwane congregation who is a mentor to Mma Moruti Nthakhe. Mma Moruti Thobela from Nelmapius congregation gave words of encouragement.
2016/2017: Social Activities
Over and above the formal activities such as prayer meetings, we also have social events where our members come together to celebrate the beginning of the year with a braai. At these social gatherings we don’t wear CWM uniform and we have a theme for each event which dictates our dress code. On 6 February 2016 our theme was an all-white pool party at Mme Selebi’s house and on 11 February 2017 our theme was Valentines and members came dressed in red and white at Mma Moruti Nthakhe’s house. During these social events we also celebrate the mothers who are pregnant and those who gave birth the previous year by having a baby shower with gifts.